In a real predicament.... cheating husband, pregnant, soon to be homeless... help

Ok so as the title suggests, im really in the middle of a shit show.

In November i found out my husband had been texting this BITCH (sexting, saying he wishes he was with her and not the headcase... i was the headcase) ... from 2014 to 2016 so i mean it had stopped 2 years prior but shit eventually comes out and man i am SO HURT about it even now i cant stop thonking about it.

We have been to counselling, it hasnt helped at all. I cant have sex with him. Every time he touches me i get these weird flashbacks of the dirty messages and nasty things they had both said about me and i go all weird and cant be intimate with him. Do i love him? Yes we have kids together. Do i love him like a husband? I dunno.

So 3 days after finding out hes a piece of shit i found out im pregnant. Keeping the baby, ots not the babys fault. Im 12 weeks on Monday.

Our landlord is selling the home we rent and we have a month to find somewhere. Ive applied for 25 properties in 2 weeks. Getting knocked back for them all because where we live its competitive. Moving away is not a option because im not gonna further isolate myself.

I guess i just am after maybe some advice or kind words because im just about ready to wave my little white flag in defeat. Im over it all. None of my friends talk to me anymore. I feel like im very unsupported, very alone. I dont know if i should stay with him or not i dont even know if it's financially feasable to do so


Im keeping the baby just not sure if i shojld get rid of the husband