Hubby not spending time with family

I need some advice so please feel free to be brutally honest.

My hubby never does anything with our 6mo. He has given him a bottle maybe 3 times in his life, changes a diaper maybe once a day, and hardly ever holds him. He's basically living the life he lived before our little guy was born.

Mon - Friday he works and when he comes home he's too tired to 'deal' with our son. It used to wind me up when he said that but now I just leave it. I used to nag him about bedtime because if anything his son should be able to have his bedtime routine with both his parents. Now I just do it on my own because I don't want to start a fight. Everytime I bring up him not spending time with us it turns into a huge fight.

He goes out whenever he pleases on weekends and I have tried to be so flexible with that because he does currently pay the Bills. My only stipulation is he has home by 7 to put our son to bed. Recently he hasn't even been doing that. He promises he will and then something comes up.

I'm just at a loss. He doesn't want me to nag him about spending time with his family, yet he never does. In the 6 months we've had our son, I've gone out once to see a movie with a girlfriend.. he called his mother to come take care of him. I feel like a single mother at this point.

Are my expectations too high? Is anyone else going through this? And advice is truly appreciated.