Ttc post mirena removal


Hi ladies! I need some advice or at least positive vibes here fiance just doesn't get it.

Was on mirena for 3 1/2 years. Recently got it removed on August 4. Bled the day of and shortly the next day after which would be the 5th. That night no bleeding.. around the 6 I started bleeding again which was what I remember from having a period was my period from them to the 10. So I calculated that ad my pd. And glow set up my ovulation. So I followed that guidance. Had sex during that window. But only once that week :( and then the last day. And so weeks have gone by and I am extremely moody big polar mood swings lol tired Bach ache and a killer headache that has lasted three days. I'm having symptoms of I hope pregnancy or Mayne I'm having a phantom symptoms of I want to be pregnant so bad I'm hoping for it to be pregnancy. .. I can not decider the syptoms from period to pregnancy. .. so my questions how many success stories are out there and advice on to be positive if when in test this week it being a bfn I keep my cool and not get me down.. also had sex a total of three times this month (which is another discussion lol) so let me hear it! !! :)