Emergent application update!!


So I went and filed an emergent application today against my ex husband to suspend parenting time for our daughter with him. His wife texted me last night some shit that made me concerned for my daughters well being. Back story. I was married to my ex in 2013 and six months later he abandoned myself and our three year old at the time for an underage teenage girl. I divorced him in 2015. He got with his current wife and had three kids with her. They just got married in September. And here we are four months later and he up and abandoned her and the kids as well. My daughter was there last Friday for her overnight. He wasn’t there for it at all and wasn’t there Saturday either. Anyway. She texted me last night. Told me he’s back on drugs and some other things. We went to court together today and unfortunately his parenting time wasn’t suspended because we didn’t have enough proof but because his wife had proof that he said he was living in his truck. His overnight visitation has been suspended. Thank god! He doesn’t know yet but he texted me tonight saying he would pick our daughter up and take her for dinner since he doesn’t live at the house anymore. I unfortunately can’t stop him but I’m literally freaking out on the inside. His wife told me and the judge today that he nodded off while driving with the kids and when she looked up they were on the other side of the road. I just can’t deal with that shit. We have court again next Tuesday and this time he’ll be there. Hopefully. And they’re more than likely going to drug test him and then we go from there on whether or not his time will be suspended. I know my daughter needs a father. But he is no father to her and she is much better off without him. He’s going to be 29 this year. Has four kids with two women and left his wife for her best friend who is also married and has six kids! Like wtf. Anyone else been in this situation or is my ex the only fucking idiot on this planet lol

Update: so I never had to send my daughter yesterday. After my lawyer told me I had to send my ex the report from my daughters therapist. He texted and cancelled for the rest of the week until court next week. Dyfs was also called on him and new girlfriend today with allegations made about drug use. Because I’m the mother of our daughter they had to come question me but I’m pretty sure she knew what he was up to. He has to go for a drug test and an evaluation on Tuesday before court. Seriously hoping everything goes my way!