Step-kids’ mom has done it now. These poor kids. 😕

I posted a while back about the conditions in which my stepkids live when they’re with their mom (we’re 50/50) and the insane things they’re exposed to. It was really disheartening because people’s responses were so rude and judgmental. People told me to mind my own business and that it wasn’t my place to involve myself (I was considering calling DCFS).

Well... things have taken a drastic turn and now she’s physically abusing them. I just want to say to any of those bonus mamas that read this, trust your gut. Just because you aren’t their birth mama doesn’t mean you don’t love them and aren’t invested whole-heartedly in their lives. My bonus girls deserve better than to be neglected, slapped, and have their hair pulled as punishment. Pray for us as we prepare to go back to court. ❤️

*I did end up calling DCFS after that other post because I couldn’t sleep knowing what was going on. They opened up an investigation.