thinking i’m boy crazy and ugly :/


so i’ll start this off by saying i hate myself. i am very very skinny to where people think I am anorexic. also have glasses and just don’t look good.

and i always seem to see cute boys and like have crushes but i always just always get pushed off. like i’m not the likable type. I always get Ash you are so nice and blah blah but never cute or dateable or anything

like what is wrong with me

and don’t please don’t say you don’t need a man because i’m tired of hearing that. maybe i want a relationship because i want that in my life, someone to turn to and spend my time with

and also “got to love yourself first” that’ll never happen because i have depression and anxiety and i’m going to hate myself for a while so maybe dating someone will help with my confidence

but why am i like this? why can’t i just have one person