Should I go to the hospital?

In Sunday I found out my dad was at the hospital in intensive care.. I'm 9 months pregnant and haven't been feeling very well so I want able to go that day.. I went yesterday but they only let me be in there 5 mins because he had a serious infection and it was dangerous for baby and me to be around..well when I saw him.. I started crying so much because I've never seen him that bad before.. The dr told us that he wasn't getting better or worse but that it wasn't looking very good for him.. I wasn't able to sleep all night just thinking about him and praying for him.. This morning I started feeling an intense amount of pain but I went on with my day anyway knowing that my sister would go check on my dad and let me know what was going on.. I went to the dr and i didnt mention anything about the pain I'm feeling.. Right after i left the dr my mom called to let me know that my dad had just passed away.. As much as I'm trying to stay calm for my kids and my unborn baby.. I can't help but feel completely sad amd I start crying randomly.. The pain got worst after that amd Right now i can barely move from the pain .. I have contractions but not too often to say its labor.. However i feel an intense amount of pain.. Idk if i should go to the hospital to get monitored anyway.. Or just try to sleep it off