

I’m currently 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my firstborn. I went in the hospital at 39 weeks and 3 days to get induced. I received 4 doses of cervix softers. After those, I received all the way up to level 8 of pitosion. My body never progressed with either of them. Which left me at 1.5cm dilated and 85% effaced. I had three options; one to leave the and hope I progress on my own. Two to try the cervix pills again and see if anything happens. Three to go hardcore with everything. Which she was super I’d end up in a emergency c section. I decided to try the pills again and if nothing would happen I’d go home. Well, as I was taking a break from everything. Finally eating again, I decided to just get little one monitored for a little. If my contractions were me or still from the medication. Well, the contractions slowly disappearing. I decided to go home after being in the hospital for 24 hours.

As the days go along since I’ve been home. I’ve not really felt much progress on my own. I saw my midwife that week. Nothing changed she said. She refuses to let me go past 41 weeks. Which comes up any day now. But since I’ve been home from my induction that didn’t take. I’ve now gained a horrible rash. I called my midwife she said, try Benadryl for three days. If the rash doesn’t change or gets worse to go into urgent care.

Well, I went into urgent care. After some blood work and the doctor checking my liver and kidneys. Ended up with “You have a rash because you’re so far along in your pregnancy.” Not the answer I was looking for. He told me to stay on the Benadryl and cream I’ve been using. He now wants me on allergy medication as well. After another full day has passed. I’ve noticed my “rash” getting worse. My legs are starting to turn purple. It started off just on my legs. But now it’s all on my arms as well. I itch so bad I can’t sleep at night. I end up staying up as long as I can before I just pass out. Or I have to take Benadryl and Tylenol pm to get a hour of sleep. I’m so miserable!!!

I don’t know what else I should do at this point. I see my midwife tomorrow. I have a feeling I need to get this baby out ASAP! Something doesn’t feel right to me.

If you have any advice... please send it my way!

This photo is yesterday in the urgent care.

This is tonight