Infant daycare


Hello ladies,

My Husband and I are going to start trying for another baby here in a couple months and unfortunately this second time around if we do have a baby I will need to send it to day care when I got back to work in 3 months after giving birth. My son started daycare a a few months before turning 2 and that was rough for me because I just never wanted daycare for my kids, long story short... we didn’t have a choice and I couldn’t quit my job. I still can’t quit my job and sending a baby to daycare gives me panic attacks because they are so young and fragile and sicknesses are stronger every year. I wanted to ask moms out there how they handled daycare for infants and maybe tips to making it better? Also are there any tips to helping your baby get less sick in daycare? Just freaking out here. I feel 3 months is too young for a baby to go to daycare. Also only supportive comments here please. I don’t do the whole negative vibe. Thank you!