Bleeding a lot after still birth ??

Becky • I have 2 beautiful boys 1 being an angel and hope that one day 3 might be the number for me . Otherwise 2 beautiful bubs 1 I have a little longer to wait be be able to hold is a gift no matter what ✨✨. Xo
Did anyone else experience a lot of (tmi) bleeding and clotting after their angels? I bled for about 3 months on and off and when I bled it was very heavy. Once I was actually in a mall And I had only just put on a superheavy pad And about 10 minutes later I could feel it leaking through to my clothes I had to run to the toilets And TMI by the time I got there was running down my legs and as I sat on the toilet it ran like a tap for about 20 to 30 minutes. My partner was in the shops are looking for some new undies hands and pads. I seriously thought I was going to bleed out in the bathroom and was going to call our emergency hotline here 000. I also for about 4 to 5 months after still had faint pregnancy tests I wasn't pregnant they were very faint but they were there. Has any other mama went through this or anything similar after losing their angel? Thank you in advance for any responses It is very very much appreciated.