BV chronicles. What worked for me! Share what worked for you! ❤️

Hello Ladies! Like most of us know, BV & yeast infections can be reoccurring annoyances. Not all of us can run to the gyno and get a prescription every time. I decided I’d share some home remedies that got rid of my BV 🙂

First, I have had problems with BV over the years due to my pH. So I was truly tired of having to set up gyno appointments every few months. So I decided to find a natural way I could keep my happy bacteria up & angry bacteria away!

I normally first notice that angry bacteria is back when I start to get the faint fishy smell. Next it’s normally accompanied by slightly yellow-whitish discharge. I try to stay consistent with most of my natural remedies, even when symptoms aren’t present because it overall fights it off from coming back. I’ve been BV clear for 7 months now 😉 & yes, I got tested to be sure 👍🏾.

1. Probiotic Acidophilus:

I take this supplement twice a day. Once in the morning with breakfast, once in the evening with either dinner or a snack.

2. YOGURT!!!:

Be sure to read the labels and make sure it says it has live & active cultures in it. I try to have some form of yogurt a day. Greek Yogurt drinks are my go to.

3. Garlic Pills:

These I would slack on.. but I tried to take at least 1 every other day.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Pills:

Now I was mostly taking these for weight loss but it was in the mist of treatment. Not sure how much they helped with BV treatment but just a side note: they helped me loose about 8 pounds last month (along with a little less food intake, not healthy meals though) 🤭.

5. Water Machine:

Literally all I drink is water now. That is it! 🤗

6. Commando:

Unless I have on really tight jeans or I’m in my period, who needs panties! 😊

These are the few things that worked for ME. My BV was never really severe, slight smell & very very lightly yellowish tinted discharge & that was pretty much it. With the remedies I listed when I started I had the symptoms I described but about a week after staying consistent the smell was gone & my discharge went back to normal! I stayed with my normal supplements & tried to incorporate a serving of yogurt a day for the most part. I got tested last month & I was clear! I have been doing this going on 7 months & no signs (or smells) from that angry bacteria 😊

Have any of you had any experience with treating BV or yeast infections naturally? Share your experiences 😇