Is it considered cheating?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. We’ve always had some trust issues, mostly on his part though. I have a few guy friends that I’ve talked to since high school, my boyfriend has never told me to stop talking to them but I know it bothers him when I go up to them at bars or snapchat/text them. With that being said I am completely open about talking to them and always honest if he asks about it.

A few weeks ago we went out and I noticed he was hiding his phone so I picked it up and logged onto it (my fingerprint is in it because we do try to be completely open) I’ve never gone through his phone because I don’t find it necessary. But this time I just clicked onto his snapchat and scrolled through his conversations, nothing out of the ordinary, but when I clicked onto him best friends I noticed that his ex girlfriend was one (me and her have had problems in the past) and so was the girl he cheated on his ex with. When I confronted him about it he basically said he had cleared the conversations and was hiding his phone because he knew I would be mad about it. When I expressed my concerns and anger he made me feel ridiculous so I am just wondering if you guys would consider this cheating/ shady or if it’s normal and I sound just get over it? Let me know your thoughts! 🥰

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