IT’S OVER after 19 years & 3 kids!!!!!!!!

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make this story short without leaving out all of the important details for you ladies....Let me try..... So I met the father of my kids when I was 19. He was 27. I’m now 38, we have 2 kids with 1 on the way in April.

However, one day at the beginning of fall I decided that I just couldn’t do it anymore, unbeknownst to me I was already pregnant, but yet in still I couldn’t do it. Now, this man isn’t and has never been abusive- verbally or physically. He has a great career. However he is the biggest whore I’ve ever met! Even at almost 50 years old, he’s still whoring!!!!!! Again I was 19 when we met, so I was madly, deeply In Love with him, and nobody couldn’t tell me ANYTHING about him back then! But like I said one day I just woke up and decided that I wasn’t going to continue living like that, especially with HIV and AIDS and STD’s going around. (Yes, it took me a longggggggg time to make a decision, but hey, shit happens). Anywho, since I’ve made that decision he hasn’t cane around to check up, pick up or visit our other 2 kids, he hasn’t even acknowledged the fact that I’m due in less than 3 months, he hasn’t even mentioned anything about me being pregnant since the day I first told him, actually.

So I say all of that to say this.., should I just wait until the baby is here and file with the courts for a DNA test or should I reach out to him and ask if he wants to be there for the birth and sign the birth certificate and all that Jazz.... or play it like he’s been playing it for the last 6 months?