Throwing out liquid gold! 😭

I am currently pumping at work and all week I keep forgetting my breastmilk in my lunch pal overnight.

For example last night I got home at 8pm, left my lunch pal with the milk on the counter over night. At 4am i realized it and put it in the fridge. I have yet to give it to my LO because i dont know if it's safe. Its currently in a sealed bag...

Would you still let your LO drink it? Or would you dump it?

This is my third time doing that this week and would be my 3rd bag i would have to throw out.

And the only reason i am desperate is because i dont produce much milk and it is a struggle to even get an ounce out. I pumped 3 times yesterday and made a total of 2ounces. So this liquid gold is even more valuable to me than those mamas who have a back up supply. I don't have ANY stored because I dont produce enough to keep up. Heeeelp!