2 days late


Hey guys okay so here is my story. I’m currently 2 days late. My cycles are normally an average of 31 days. My last period was on December 20-24. I had unprotected sex on the 6-9th on January and my ovulation day was the 6th. He pulled out, which is no means of birth control I’m completely aware of that. Last week, I was laying on the couch and I got the sensation of little muscle spams that felt like flutters in my lower abdomen. My breast have been somewhat sore around the Nipple area since last week. Usually they will get a little sore before my period. The last 2 days. I have been getting weird waves of what feels like period cramps and back pain. Usually lasting 10-15 and they go away. I’ve been kinda nauseous lately, but I also do have a couple of stomach conditions one in which my stomach is partially paralyzed, with that feeling like throwing up is the main symptom. I got curious and went to Walmart today. Mid day and bought a test. Took it right in Walmart for impatience reasoning. It came back negative. Just curious on what your guys think. Please let me know!

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