Spotting on pill

I have been on birth control for almost a year now. Since my body has regulated to the pill I have been getting my “period” on the 3rd day of the placebo pills. Before when my body was adjusting to the pill I would sometimes start my period or spotting a couple of days before

my placebo pills would start. But since my body has now adjusted I get it during the placebo week. However, yesterday the 23rd I started having brown spotting in my underwear and a tiny bit of pinkish red when I wipe and have had cramping. My placebo pills don’t start till next Tuesday the 29th. Why would I be spotting now? This is what it has been looking like.

I have never missed a pill and my boyfriend always wears a condom. I’m always paranoid about pregnancy so I keep looking up a bunch of stuff that I probably shouldn’t haha. But any advice or similar experience anyone has had would be great to hear! Also, I’m going to take a test to ease my mind but what day should I take the test?