
My son is 3.5 months old and he has been sleeping in the bed with me for a couple months (we traveled for Christmas and he was clinging to me and ended up sleeping with me and never wanted to sleep on his own again). I was able to get him to sleep in his crib for a few hours at a time yesterday night and also for his naps (laying on his belly) but he won’t do it anymore. I stayed up for 4 hours last night trying to get him to bed but every time i lay him down he starts crying! It doesn’t help that if his paci falls out he starts crying too. I have tried laying him down drowsy but awake and it doesn’t work! Please, someone help me get my bed back! 😭😭😭 this is making me have a melt down. At the moment, I have to stay in bed all night or I will wake him up next to me, and I also have to lay with him for the entirety of his naps multiple times a day..i have no time for anything else😓