Cheating and mistress

I feel ashamed of some of these, some i don’t regret but i need somewhere to let if off my chest. I used to judge people who cheat/are the mistress hardcore but i guess that’s because i was in denial about my actions, as in i tried to bury them. So here it goes.....

When i was 16 i cheated on my then boyfriend twice (well kinda, he never asked me out, he just claimed me as his girlfriend) i slept with a guy i met on the internet, on the same day we had our first date and the second time was with my ex who i lost my virginity too. He doesn’t know and I honestly don’t completely feel bad or regret it.

When i was 20, i cheated on a boyfriend who cheated on me. He physically cheated and I emotionally cheated with a guy i knew for a long time online. This guy (the guy who i cheated with) groomed me since i was a young teen and he still had a sort control over me years later and he had a fiance at the time i cheated with him and i knew the whole time. I was so desperate for attention i didn’t care at the time. I don’t regret cheating on this guy, he emotionally abused and fucked me up. I broke things off with the guy and my ex doesn’t know about what i did. When i look back, i often used to wish i did more behind his back.

Im a changed person now, i would not do any of these things again. People can change if they want too. I know it’s no excuse, but it is my reason and im glad im away from all that toxic stuff now.