He’s a liar and a cheater but I can’t tell...

My ex and I have been officially broken up since September 2017, but we’ve been “on and off” and seeing each other since the official break up. We typically saw each other once a month since December 2017 all the way to May 2018, then met up again September 2018-January 2019. I found out he was seeing me and still having sex with me, but talking to/seeing another girl and so I broke things off officially. He acted dumbfounded and said he had no idea what I was talking about, but what I saw was no lie. Sometimes I feel bad for this girl, because she has no idea that he was still seeing me. He literally told me he wanted to get back together with me. I didn’t know he was seeing her either, and I broke it off as soon as I did.

I could never tell her though, because he (and she, most likely) would see it as me being jealous and trying to ruin it for him. I just hope his karma comes around sooner rather than later, and that this girl realizes how awful of a person he is...