Please help me... anyone with a similar story ?

A B 💗

Any exclusive pumpers out there ? How much do you feed baby expresses milk ? Is there a general rule of thumb ounce wise ?

I’m still trying to nurse, but I’m over producing and he is fighting at the breast almost every time because of my let down, and it’s very discouraging. He’s also spitting up so much! I burp him for like 15 whole minutes in several different positions and he does burp! But he still spits up a ton of food! Also, when we struggle to latch, I just leak milk EVERYWHERE like all over both of us 😞 im having a horrible time!

But I enjoy pumping, and giving him a bottle. I can pace feed him that way, and he doesn’t have a hard time with the bottle at all.

He also is way less fussy after because he’s not sucking down so much at once..


I want to reach out to the free Lactation Consultant, but she was totally an asshole to me at the hospital.. I’m feeling bad enough as it is..