Singleness in Your 20's


I have been single most of my life. I've only ever dated one boy for less than 6 months because I knew he wasn't the one. But now that I'm in the 20's, I see A LOT of my friends and family getting married, having kids, buying their first homes, etc. And yet, here I am, still at the first step. Singleness. Now most people would then dwell in their sorrow of singleness and be like "I'm so lonely," "Where is my husband?" "Why am I the odd one?" But instead of being upset, I am glad. I am glad because that means my Heavenly Father has something extra special for me. I am glad because my Heavenly Father can use me in ways during my singleness that can't be used during marriage. I am glad because I know that this season will bring me closer with God, because all my faith is in Him to bring me to where I need to be and who I need to be with. This post is not meant to drag those who are already married, with kids, and so on. This post is meant to remind those single ladies, that God knows what's best for you, so don't worry. Don't worry about a thing. Don't feel pressured. Don't feel alone. Because you are not. Pursue the Lord above all else, and then that feeling of loneliness will leave you and love will fill you.