Sara • 9-5-19💙 and 💗3-4-21

Ok ladies, is it just me?

I love this app, but sometimes it feels like we see so many negative things it just makes me worry constantly!! I love the opportunity to share with one another and get opinions, but sometimes I think it can put me in my head too much.

I have had my first ultrasound, found out I was a week behind where I thought I was and am actually just over 7 weeks.

We heard and saw the heartbeat, and the tech said everything looked great! BUT later what do you think I was doing? WORRYING. 🙄🙃 Lol and why!?!

We're all at different weeks of pregnancy, walks of life, etc., but I want to remind you all that the chances that everything will go WONDERFULLY are actually in our favor! It is MORE likely that everything will be great than that things will go wrong.

So if you're anything like me, let's just all take a deep breath. It WILL be okay! We have allllllll of motherhood to stress and worry. ❤️❤️❤️❤️