My sister is unbelievably babied 🙄

My youngest sister is 10 years old and is currently in 4th grade. She is a sweet girl and I love her to death, but bc she is the baby of the family, she is basically catered to and it’s extremely annoying. She needs a drink? Someone else gets it for her. She wants something to eat? Someone else gets it for her. It’s so bad that for last Mother’s Day, she even made a little homemade coupon for my mom that said she would actually do something for herself one time. My mom literally sometimes will still carry her up the stairs for bed time like she is a baby.

I can understand that it’s hard to not have a little one anymore, just bc there’s 5 of us and none of us have more than a 4 year age gap than the sibling closest to our age, but it’s so excessive and I feel like she’s never going to learn how to do things for herself. Normally, I would let it go and let my parents deal w it, but now she acts out for attention any time my mom isn’t around.

I am the one who gets her up and ready for school. She’s CONSTANTLY faking headaches, stomach aches, fevers, or even purposely waits until last minute to get ready just so she doesn’t have to go. I think the real problem is that she just stays up too late. She stays up until 11 most nights, sometimes even 12, and than my mom wants me to get her up before 8 🙄 It’s really annoying bc my mom says I should be waking her up early and constantly checking on her so she has time to “lay around”. When in reality, I feel it would be healthier to set out a routine for my sister, that way she isn’t so dependent on me. I know for a fact my sister could be up and ready if she really wanted to, as she’s done it before. She doesn’t even really need me