Could I be pregnant? Implantation!?


Hi ladies

I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have been trying to conceive for 5 months now. I have a 26_28 day cycle and are usually very regular. However I have started my period 7 days early with some unusual symptoms. I started spotting on Friday and Saturday (brown) then Sunday and Monday I started a regular flow (red but with no clots) By day 3 and 4 I am usually extremely heavy like clockwork but not this time. I have other symptoms... On the day I was spotting I had sharp pinching pains in my left lower pelvic area which lasted 3 days. Diarrhoea since then tmi!!! Lower back ache, nausea, ridiculously tired, ibs like symptoms, no spots... I usually get loads around the time of AF. Also I have had weird shooting pains in my hips and boobs which is a new one! I wonder if it could be implantation bleeding as I don't have any real period pains which I am always in agony with. The only problem is it isn't pink or brown like the Internet suggests but red. Does anyone think this could be a possibility At all?