Rant about my dad

Thamara • Mom to Ollie age 3. Pregnant with number #2

Ok so, back at 13 weeks I told family and friends my hubby and I were expecting.

Well my father has this almost God complex, and expects only him or my mother ( they are separated) to be told everything first.

Well tomorrow is my ultrasound and I'll be asking them to write the gender down in order to give to my sister in law for her to throw a online only gender reveal for us, and he's soooo bent out of shape that he isn't going to know before everyone else. He thinks it's grossly unfair that as my parents they'll find out with everyone else but she'll be the first.

A reveal is so that everyone is surprised and has fun. Must be old school or something cause he's spamming me and crap after I told him he'll find out with everyone else.

Anyways, I feel like I don't owe him shit because he was there but really it was my stepdad who made sure to work 2 or more jobs to keep us fed/clothed/roof over head while my dad didn't even bother child support and often only saw me twice a month and more on holidays. I feel if anyone's entitled it would be my step dad first.

So anyways I've decided to stop replying to him and his demands and he'll get info like above mentioned with everyone else. He'll be po'd but meh.

He tried guilting me, and saying he deserves respect, and I just can't be bothered with his shit anymore.

So ya there's my rant and semi life story of how I'm feeling. Thanks for reading :)