Help please new mommy


I am a happy mommy of a beautiful baby girl. I recently had gallbladder removal surgery. so I had to pump and dump because I was in the hospital and I wasn't able to nurse my's been a couple days and I've been trying to go back to breastfeeding but it just seems that my breasts are not producing enough I put her on a nurse and nurse a nurse is just doesn't seem like she's getting enough to eat because right after I take her off she gets fussy and tries to eat more.I've read on several different websites and even on here that you just have to you know ender and nurse and nurse and nurse but it's really getting tiring because it seems like she's not getting enough food. I just wanted to know if there's any other Mommy to have going through this? And if you have any tips or tricks to produce more milk by eating something to drink and some.