

After miscarrying a much wanted pregnancy in October I can't seem to get pregnant again. I was praying hoping and begging for my period not to come and today I started.bim miserable and cranky but, most of all my heart hurts. I can't begin to explain how bad I want a third baby. How bad I want to complete my family. I just feel like having been on the nexplanon has ruined my body.

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We tried for baby #2 in July and luckily got pregnant our first try then miscarried two weeks later. They were very much wanted and loved. That next month I had a chemical in September and was even more frustrated and devastated. We finally got pregnant in November and I’m now 11+5 weeks with our rainbow. I read online that a lot of women got pregnant first try using Preseed and I’m now one of them! It worked for us first try in November! I never had a cm issue but it’s just a good extra boost to push healthy sperm in the right direction and I truly think it helped us! I recommend it to anyone who wants to conceive! Good luck to you!❤️


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I had a miscarriage in April and I got pregnant is July you might find that it takes time for your cycle to come back and your body to recover.


Sapphire • Jan 30, 2019
It will happen don’t worry I will have my fingers crossed for you


shannon • Jan 30, 2019
My cyclw has been back since novemeber . And i guess. I just wish i could ger oregnant already. Hopefully it will happen soon enough. Theres always next month i guess


Posted at
I had a miscarriage in 2017 and got pregnant a little over a month after that happened. I had been on Implanon and Nexplanon prior to that. My Nexplanon came out 2 months before I got pregnant (MC) and I wasn’t trying for that one. My sister had her Nexplanon removed last year and she is pregnant now after trying for 4-5 months. Naturally, as soon as they decided to give TTC a rest for a while, she got pregnant. Hang in there Momma!