The difficulty of trying to have a baby... With PCOS

My husband and I have been trying for 13+ months to get pregnant without any luck. There are so many mixed emotions that come with this journey; occasional optimism, but mostly just sadness. Frustration. Anger. Heartache. Stress.

There are many couples out there that have been trying much longer than my one year, and my heart goes out to you. You experience my emotions & much more.

Luckily, I found a doctor right in town where we recently moved to who listened to me. I have PCOS, and she prescribed me Metformin, Medroxyprogesterone to start my next cycle, and Letrozole. I am THRILLED!

But I’ll come across posts of ladies who have only been trying for a few months or less and received their positive pregnancy tests, and I just want to scream. Don’t get me wrong, I harbor no ill feelings towards the woman who’s only been trying for a month & succeeded, just jealousy.

It’s so aggravating that someone else’s body is working like it’s supposed to, but here I am turning down the rocky road of infertility.

Those of you who have babies, or are about to become mommies, congratulations 🎈 Hug ‘em close. You have no idea how lucky you are!