21+3 w/ Cervical Cerclage and Bulging Membrane


Hi All! I had the cervical cerclage placed at 19+4 and I was 1cm dilated and 0.5cm of cervix left during the procedure. I had my 2nd follow up appointment 2 days ago and doctor gave me news that the membrane was beginning to bulge past the cervical cerclage. This is my first baby and I am very nervous and sad at the thought that this could be happening after going through infertility treatment. I wanted to ask if anyone has had this happen and if theres anything I can do at home that could possibly make a difference. The doctor said she does not recommend redoing the surgery because there is no more cervix to pull from for another stitch and the risk of puncturing the babys sac if very high. She pretty much told me "to wait and see what mother nature has in store for me because my body is simply rejecting my baby." Today I started noticing more vaginal discharge (maybe from the progesterone pill?), feeling uncomfortable laying on my sides because of the pressure I'm feeling in my vaginal and abdominal area and now I'm getting more worried.