What do I do?

leshawn • 23yrs young, Married 💍, 1 girl and another on the way

I am 1 month and 25 Day’s postpartum. Almost everyday feels like a struggle. Just getting in the shower and eating at least once a day is an accomplishment for me. All I do is sleep and take care of my daughter. I’m engaged and have completely neglected my fiancé. I have so much anger towards him and I don’t even know why, he’s an amazing guy, he’s always checking on me when he gets home from work and ask me how I’m doing and if I need anything or want him to do anything. But whenever he comes home from work my whole mood just switches from normal to pissed off for no reason. I don’t want to be touched, barely even talked to most of the days. I don’t know what to do to get over this postpartum depression, if I don’t get it together soon I am going to loose the man I love. How do I get over this? I had the luxury of not really having to work during my pregnancy (family owns a store) I feel like I have lost how to communicate with people. I’m at home by myself all day with a dog and baby, who can’t talk. I’ve forgotten how to communicate.

Motivation and encouraging words will help, any tips of how you got pass this will be greatly appreciated