Body issues


So tomorrow I know I'm gonna feel awkward and uncomfortable and just want to be home curled up in blankets instead of at school so I decided I was gonna dress better than I felt. I was picking out my outfit and put on this really cute shirt I just got from goodwill (I'm a cheap bitch lol). I felt really good about it until I looked and saw that my ribs were very obviously showing. It's a tighter shirt so it makes sense but I immediately felt gross and horrible about it. I even used an ace bandage wrap to try and push in my ribs a bit but it hurt to much to keep on for longer than 20 minutes. My ribs have always been something I hated and had a huge complex about for many reasons. A guy dumped me after seeing me shirtless because he was disgusted, my mom said some pretty hurtful things saying I was disturbing and didn't look right. And it's not like I haven't tried to gain enough weight to make them less visible, I've just always had trouble trying to get over 100lbs. Idk. Can anyone else relate to this a bit or am I the only one?