I need some words of encouragement


Hey ladies,

I recently had a beautiful baby girl last August. I suffered sever Postpartum anxiety and was hospitalized for a short time because my blood pressure was sky high because of my constant panic attacks.

Anyway, I was prescribed 25 mg of Zoloft and after about a month or two I could tell it was working and my anxiety was basically gone.

I’m not sure what’s triggering my anxiety right now, life is pretty good.

I’m nervous to up my doseage. I don’t like being on medication. And I’m scared of increased anxiety, weight gain and lower libido with a higher dose until I get used to it, and I’m worried about weaning off.

Is this my anxiety talking? Has anyone been in a similar situation with positive results?

I struggled with PPD with my son that cleared up after about a year. Idk if I should power through this or get the extra help.

Talking to my husband is useless. He doesn’t understand anxiety and doesn’t like taking medicine either.

Sorry for the long-winded post, I’m just feeling mentally drained.