Pissed at fertility clinic

Emmanuelle • Single mom, TTC for rainbow 🌈 baby #1... 9 IUIs with Letrozole, Gonal-F, Ovidrel and Prometrium. My last 2 cycles ended in early miscarriages. Did IVF and got 7 day 5 embryos. Fresh transfer failed. 1st FET ended in early miscarriage.

After 12 failed IUIs, my doctor agreed that we should go to the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> route.

He prescribed all the injections and meds and explained all the steps. I was starting a new cycle so I went for the echo at the beginning. That doctor had me wait after the echo saying she needed to call my doctor. She finally let me leave saying my doctor would call me back to discuss but that I didn’t have to pay anything at this time.

My doctor had not called yet so I called back and left a voicemail with the nurse. She called me back stating that my doctor did not realize my BMI was too high according to what the doctors agreed to the limit at the clinic. She said we would have to postpone a few cycles and that my doctor would call me back on Tuesday to discuss.

I feel so pissed about all this. Why did my doctor never mentioned anything about my weight in the past? This whole thing gave me false hope and I don’t know what they will allow.

Have any of you had <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> being morbidly obese as per BMI?