Marriage Advice..

So, my husband and I have been together since Valentine’s Day 2017 and married in March of 2018. I fell DEEP in love. We never had any problems.

Two weeks into our marriage at 3 am, I get the urge to look at his phone. I NEVER do this. But what I found was horrifying. I found nudes of all kinds of women including ones of mutual friends. Screenshots of girls he knows in his hometown (we were military and recently moved back to his hometown) and lots of explicit messages between girls he told me was not a threat or a concern.

I. Was. Devastated.

We are both very Christian based so I thought the right thing to do was stay, seek counseling and work through it. We’ve seen 2 different counselors for weeks and nothing has helped me get over the trust and insecurity of him cheating again.

Lately, we’ve been having problems between a girl he went to high school with and she hasn’t said a word to me but talks him up and down. We went to a friends wedding and she shouted “I LOVE YOU” at the top of her lungs as me and my husband were walking out. He sees no problem with her because “they grew up together”.

I recently realized that I’m not happy in my marriage. He’s so immature. I told him I wanted a divorce and I wasn’t happy and he’s okay with it, oddly but it makes me wonder if there is someone lined up after I go. I have no one here in his hometown. No family, some friends. My family is in Washington state. We’re in Florida.

Am I doing the right thing?