Friend drama.

Hi, any advice is appreciated xx

Basically this year my friend group got a new member, who we will call A. A can be nice, I tolerate her. Two girls C and S in my friend group don’t like her much either but are civil to her.

My friend group has never had drama since we were 10 till we were 15 (now). But A brings a lot of it, A has tried to gossip about people behind their backs to other members of the group. Obviously didn’t work as the rest of us do not tolerate or have time for childish bitching and gossiping.

Now the drama. A is obsessed with my cousin. He is like a brother to me and she has crossed the line to being pure creepy. For example- Going through my house to find pictures of him to take on her phone and I saw cropped images of his face all over her phone... I didn’t mention it. I’m quite a quiet and shy individual which I suppose she likes because it means she can get me to do her dirty work. A constantly begs me to text my cousin and say good stuff about her to him and ask him weird questions. I’m too quiet to straight out say no and every time I try to say no she keeps egging me on and getting huffy with me.

So when she talks about my cousin at lunch my friends S and C make looks at me- mostly like a look of pity or a here we go again look as they know how uncomfortable it is for me. A pulled C over today and started saying how irritating me, S and C are. That we constantly judge her and give mean looks and she’s not taking it.

Fair enough they do give looks, I’m not here to lie and make myself seem good. But these looks are not out of meanness and she knows that. The rest of my friend group has told her to stop talking about my cousin and stop crossing the line- yet she has not so these looks stem from her not listening.

I’m really not in a place where I want drama, I have a lot of exam stress. Should I message A sincerely to apologise (I don’t really know what I have to apologise for) This is a risk as she might start a fight with me which I do not want. Or should I just leave it be and risk a bigger fight later on?

Thank you if you’ve read this, I really appreciate:) xx