HELP!!!! 😥😮

Katya • °Katya°

Ok so heres the info:

Guy with kids:

Age 28

had sex Febuary 2

Has 3 kids of his own

Had multiple sessions that night

Smokes weed

Smokes cigarettes

Drinks a little

Guy with no kids:

Age 22

Had sex January 26&28

Only goes one round

Smokes weed

Smokes cigarettes


Age 21

Has had 1 kid

Late 9 days on my period. (Has happened before but i feel like i am pregnant this time)

Dont smoke but drink a little

Im kinda nervous because ive had my heart broken a couole of times and i get used alot. But the guy with kids makes me feel the love i never have and his kids treat me like their mom. I wanna be pregnant by him.

Can age and having other kids make sperm count stronger or does not having kids help sperm count? Who can i be more concieved by to be pregnant?