Stretch marks and Gaining weight 😕

I am having a really bad relationship with my body right now. And I’ve been getting really obvious stretch marks every where and it makes me feel rlly bad about myself and makes me feel fat. Is there any way to get rid of stretch marks? I’ve even been getting stretch marks on the backs of my knees and since I live in Australia, I have a school uniform and you can see the stretch marks. And what’s even worse is that I only noticed the ones on the back of my knees today so I’ve been walking all around school with no idea I had them. It’s my second year at high school and I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, so I am extremely self conscious of all my body. My legs have gotten way bigger, and so has my stomach. I am sick of feeling like this I just want to be like I was before.

Please help a girl out 😕