Teen Crush advice..?

So I have a crush on this guy at work...He's 17 I'm 18.

Well one day he stared at me a lot that made me think,maybe this guy likes me and I didn't like him at first but then I started to see him more and now he's all I think about.Hes also a stoner so these things are so hard to tell from..

I still catch him looking at me and he always talks to me and tries to make me laugh but that's also his personality..The other day when I went into work everyone said hi but him...Until about 5 mins before my shift he walked by me pushing a cart,&He just locked eyes with me and smiled and didn't look away then I turned around to go clock in and he was still looking at me but then walked away to stock...

Idk if it's just me but I feel something..I just need help to figure out if I should flirt cause I don't want to if he really doesn't like me..