What’s so great about Juno B. Jones?


So I am on the fence about purchasing this book series. I haven’t read a full book yet but I’ve read samples and see how she calls people “stupid” and “dumb”. All the kinder & first grade teachers at my school absolutely LOVE Junie B. & read the books to their students. I’ve been thinking about trying it for my students because I keep hearing how funny it is & relatable to the students but honestly is it worth it? Could I skip the ‘stupids’ and ‘dumbs’ in the book? I just do not feel comfortable saying these words to my students. I get that you can teach them how it isn’t right, but if Junie B constantly says it, can it really be a teaching moment?

Before I make a decision, I would love to hear what you guys have to say about it. Do you read it to your child? Why or why not?