Tips please

Update. I forgot to add last weekend I told him we needed to split. After an episode after a romantic weekend away. He was being so mean and crazy. I got in my car and he was suppose to be leaving in his. It was 2hr drive for me and 4 for him. I had to get back to get my kids it was Sunday. I intentionally drove myself that weekend bc I’ve been feeling this coming but he had promised he would get meds and see his therapist but he didn’t. So I left the condo and he texted me while I was driving and I wasn’t mean. I just told him thanks for the weekend etc and to drive safely home. Well I came home and he arrived at my house 15min later and my boys 15 min after. It was crazy. I know he loves me and I really love him I can’t help him and he isn’t doing therapy. Just odd how he didn’t accept my first breakup and popped inside my house.

I need to end things with bipolar boyfriend. He wasn’t honest about his illness in the beginning and I knew he had signs. But we all have something wrong with us. He has huge heart and during his up high days he’s amazing. But he never sticks to his promises. Then on down days it’s awful. Then he gives me shame and guilt. He isn’t taking his meds. This is new for me. I’m scared and want to end things.

I need some tips to do this and keep my kids and I safe. He has access to my home but he lives in another state. Only 2.5hrs away. I thought about calling his mom but I don’t want to upset her. Any advice is greatly appreciated.