😓 too pregnant to cut so I write

16 years of love the down the drain 16 years and it’s just not the same I feel ur hate and lack of concern for our newest unborn son I’ll never be want I guess u wanted just was what u got stuck being obligated too you felt the need to be the good guy and that’s what u used to always be in my eyes now I know it’s all just a show u keep up to make it a home I wish I could say our love is getting g stronger everyday but all I feel is you running away to life u want and I guess deserve you’ve played the part so well u see I really thought it was forever you and me now I see it’s me alone with my baby inside being the only thing keeping me from full insanity I guess I should be happy you’ve grown I see just wish it wasn’t so far from me I’ll keep this inside and cry alone each night in the dark as my baby continues to grow until the day you decide to be the bad guy I know your fighting hard not to be but know it’s ok to be you and walk away it only hurts more that you pretend to want to stay I feel it’s time to let what will be be so say good bye and set yourself free