Crazily heavy & painful 😫


So I made a few posts about how it has been 10 weeks since I miscarried and still no period.

Well of course the timing was that I got it today (well yesterday, it’s 2am).

But it is so heavy. Heavier than at any point during my miscarriage. I normally get severe pain which I’m prescribed panadeine forte and endone for (I typically can’t even roll in bed from one side to the other that’s how bad it gets - suspected endo + other problems). Not only do I feel like this again, I have a nasty pin-pointed headache (feels like a migraine but in a tiny spot in my head). And I’ve been vomiting and overwhelmingly tired.

I always get very long & heavyish periods (usually 8-12 days & maybe changing pad 5 or so times a day [maybe every 3 hours]). But this one started EXTREMELY light and then went mad. I’m going through the same number of pads, but instead they are the extra-long, extra-heavy overnights (the same I used during my miscarriage). No significant/abnormal clotting, in fact the blood is quite thin, and quite a lot. THIS BIT IS VERY TMI - but when I sat on the toilet and even just pushed a little to pee, I bled so much the water wasn’t just red, it was nearly black.

I have a mild allergy to endone as well which makes the experience that more shitty (benefits outweigh risks, I mainly just get itchy as soon as I take it, even inside my mouth sometimes gets itchy😂). I haven’t had to use endone for a period-related matter for around 6 months (not even for my miscarriage). Though, I did require fentanyl in hospital after my D&C (long story, I couldn’t take oral tablets & was having irrelevant health complications immediate post-procedure). So it’s not like endone is a fall-back for me, I only take this when I’m genuinely in sweats and having dizzy-spells from the pain because I know the weight of endone and how nasty (and potentially addictive) it can be. I’m very sure to only take it if I’m overwhelmed with pain & unable to walk or crawl.

I don’t know if I should be concerned or just keep trying to manage it and not worry. I’m house & pet-sitting for the next week or so. I’m on my own in a different suburb to all of my family & friends so I can’t get them to assist me much. The closest people near me are my partner & parents, they are about a 10/15 minute drive away.