Failure -ftm


I feel like such a failure tonight, my 5month old doesn't self settle, well very rearly. She's pretty much fed to sleep but the night times are becoming hard so I need her to.

Tonight she croes for 40mins (I was in the room soothing her) but didn't pick her up.

My antenatal mums were all going on about how well their babies settle. (They don't know mine doesn't, I chose not to involve myself in the talk)

Adter 45mins I picked my daughter up, within a few mins she was asleep in my arms.

My baby needed me, she wanted a cuddle, she needed to know she wass safe.

For me I feel like I am failing her, setting herself and myself up for hard times in the future.

She doesn't settle or gel well to other people when she is tired.

She will scream blue murder for her daddy. She will not take a bottle from without a fight and will only take it for me when I hold her tight and rock her.

She is breastfed exclusively.

She is with me 24/7 as I am a SAHM. I try and expose her to as many people, she is a very happy and alert baby.

I've not come here to get sympathy, I'm venting on here because no one knows me, no one can stalk me. I don't post things on facebook etc in fear of being judged.

P.S I don't have PND