My daughter doesn’t want to eat my food


My 10 months old daughter just started daycare 3 wks ago. It is a really really good day care super fancy and everything. Anyways, my sister used to take care of her, feed her , cook for her and all of that. She eat my sister’s food more than she eat mine. Unfortunately my sister moved away and now that she is in day care and I’m cooking for her(I do cook really good) just low in seasoning and salt(which my sister is the complete opposite) she cooked with a LOT OF SEASONING AND SALT. Nos it seems that my baby will not eat nothing of the healthy stuff I do for her. I cook chicken and sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes and stuff like that she will not eat it. I don’t know if is all the changes she is going through or is just that she doesn’t like my food. 😭🤷🏻‍♀️ HELP