I made everyone valentines breakfast but I didn’t get to eat.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning to make everyone a nice valentines breakfast.

I cooked a lot of bacon way more then I normally do just because who doesn’t love bacon lol

Made eggs and cooked some toast.

After I made my sister with special needs her plate and my wife made hers.

I went and sat down because I was hot after doing all that.

I texted my dad that there was some breakfast.

I sent my wife off to work and fed my dog then went to give him his old man/seizure pills.

(my old man 😍)

After everything settled I went to go grab some bacon and eggs

but no one saved me any.

I really wanted some damn bacon and eggs. I should have ate while I cooked so it was my own fault.

Happy Valentines Day everyone! ❤️