My heart hurts

I wanted to bring my significant other lunch today for Valentine’s Day. He told me no because he already made himself a sandwich for lunch. It made me really sad because I wanted to bring him a card and just see him... and hug him. I told him it made me sad, but I wouldn’t come if he had a sandwich (that he was so adamant about...)...and he then blows up at me and says this:

So, he’s a physician. He’s only ever let me bring him lunch once... and it was when his nurse was out sick. I can’t help but think he has a thing for her. He never lets me over to his office until she is gone. We aren’t married, but I’m 28 weeks pregnant with his little guy. My heart just hearts. I don’t know what I was getting at, but here I am eating lunch by myself right now, choking tears back. How would you ladies react if your S.O said this?