Ok ladies

Stephanie • Mom of two handsome boys Ryker 3-5-14 and Maddox 9-4-15
Ok ladies..... CRAZY long post about to happen. 
8:15 saw my OB and she did a membrane sweep. 
9:45 contractions started exactly 4min apart. 
11:30 got to l&d contractions consistently 2 min apart. 
12:17 they sent me home because I hadn't dilated more 
2:50 returned to l&d because contractions were increasing in intensity
3:30 got sent home again because I had only dilated half a centimeter and gave me morphine to help with the pain 
4:40 called them to say it wasn't helping and asked for something to try to help, she suggested a warm bath. 
4:55 I started screaming at my husband that I felt like I needed to push. 
5:25 arrived at l&d 9cm! 
5:36 10 cm! 
5:47 my handsome baby boy Maddox James Mitchell was born! 7lbs 1.6oz and 20in! Perfect and healthy as can be!!