Thoughts about breaking up with the BF?


My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. When we first met, I fancied him and he fancied me. However, I feel like things have changed and I’ve noticed that we are not as compatible as I thought. This has affected my ability to be intimate with him and I feel like having sex with him is a chore. Although I still love him, I often feel like I could have something better with someone else. Someone who likes to go out and do stuff instead of sitting at home. Someone who has the same taste in music as me. Someone who is more relatable and will actually do something for me on valentines and my birthday without being told to by myself or someone else (yesterday for valentines and last valentines we did absolutely nothing, even when I begged to go out). I’ve had thoughts about breaking up with him but every time I see his face, these thoughts just disappear cos I can’t think of living my life without him, especially because we are together every single day and he stays at my flat for uni. I can’t imagine him not being here at all. It would make me feel sad knowing that I won’t be waking up to him sleeping in my bed. If I broke up with him, it would mean he would have to commute to uni every single day and I would feel bad. Also, it would break his heart cos I know he loves me a lot, especially because I’m his first proper girlfriend. I don’t want to let him down but at the same time I wish he was different and would make a fuss of me. I’ve talked to him about not going out and stuff but he said “that’s just who I am”. Not only that but he has gotten close to my friends and sister, if I break up with him it would be awkward. What should I do? I still love him a lot and he’s genuinely a really good person and has done nothing bad to me at all. I feel like breaking up with him would be selfish. Should I just stick it out and hope for things to get better? Has anyone else been in this position?