For those of you with a narcissistic parent...

My mother is a narcissist and I didn’t realize it until about a year ago. I have completely cut all contact with her, but it really kills me

Inside. I struggle with it everyday. Because of the abuse I’ve suffered from for 22 years, I have a LOT of issues, and suffer from major anxiety. This would be a novel if I sat here and explained how I feel on a daily basis and the things that it’s caused me to have. So instead I want to know how YOU are! I find it will help me to understand if this is in fact from my mother, or if I just have my own issues (chemical imbalance, born this way, genes,etc.) I just had a baby so I want to make sure that I am the best mother to this little girl.

Please tell me anything you can about how you believe you are different as a person because of your narcissistic parent. Please tell me what helped you (if you decided to).

Thank you so much in advance.