My birth story 2 months later 🙊


December 4th was my due date. December 3rd I had my doctor sweep my membranes at my appointment. I read so many women felt pain during sweeping of membranes... but I honestly did not feel any pain. Uncomfortable feeling yes, but no pain. She told me I’d have contractions that night or the next day. I was hoping and praying she would be right! But I honestly felt like I’d be going past my due date, most women in my family go over two weeks with their first baby. So I wasn’t really getting prepared for anything, just went home and continued my evening like any other. Nothing happened, I went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to pee at 6am. I was having Braxton Hicks, they woke me up. But they weren’t strong enough to keep me awake.. I fell back to sleep. Little did I know, it was real contractions just not strong ones. I woke again around 6:30, and had to pee again. I sat on the toilet for a contraction because it was a little stronger and I felt like I needed to poop. Well I went back to bed, and just laid there wide awake I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I started timing the contractions. They were about 4 minutes apart! So I woke my husband up and told him. He didn’t believe me when I told him it was time, because a week prior to this we went in for contractions, but were sent home because I was not progressing. So he wanted to make sure it was real this time, which I did not blame him for ... flu season and sooo many people at the hospital is not fun to be around. But I knew it was real! At first they were almost like period cramps. My hubby called his mom to come and watch our 3 year old. And she said she was on her way, she lives about 30 minutes away from us. My husband went out for a smoke, and I was grabbing bags that I had previously gotten ready, but for some reason throwing extra random things in because I felt it had been necessary, which it was not!😂👏 Boy oh boy, those contractions started getting strong FAST! I sat the bags next to my bedroom door and bent over my bed and rocked my hips! This is a must... it’s soooooo helpful! But my bed was so low to the ground that my back started hurting, also was having back labor!!😳😫 But did not know that at the time. I got onto the bed on my hands and knees and kept rocking my hips. I laid my head on the bed, and rested on my elbows while I started my breathing exercises, and continued rocking those hips! My husband came back in and asked me what I was doing. I was keeping track of contractions still, and they were two minutes apart. I didn’t want to move from the position to look at him, so I mumbled “it feels better this way, I’m going to have her in the car babe” and I started crying😂😂 Another fear I had!! He laughed at me and told me his mom just got there. At this point I was tossing and turning, rocking my hips, fighting the urge to poop because I didn’t want to have my baby at home, and stopping myself from yelling at my husband to get his mother there NOW! She walked into my room, saw me and my changing of positions and heard my groaning, and said ohhhhh it’s time. And when she said “time” her voice got high pitched and squeaky. And I just could not handle it, I got up grabbed my bags and went to the car😂👏 My hubby was right behind me, with my MIL. She was excited as all heck, wishing she could be there of course, so she was blabbing away about how she was going to try and find someone else to babysit so she could be there for my daughters birth, but I was in so much pain during contractions that I couldn’t handle her at all I just shut the car door and yelled at my husband to get the F*** In the car😳😬 Usually i would stay and listen to her, I’m not usually like that😂 My husband does not normally drive my car. The brakes are very touchy! The whole 30 minutes it took us to get to the hospital, I wanted to kill him! But in between contractions I would explain how excited I was, and how much I loved him, then a contraction would hit and he would break, and just my look alone made him apologize 😂 Then the song “you can do it” by ice cube started playing. My husband turned it up and started laughing while singing it. I wasn’t paying any attention but to the fear of pushing my baby out in my car!! Then another contraction hit me, and my husband sung “come on baby put your back into” and I started laughing while I was having a contraction and that’s no fun! Finally we get to the hospital. It’s about 7:30 ish by now. We get checked in, they check me... I was at 3 cm, the day before I was only at 1cm. Btw being checked does hurt when you are in labor beware. We get into a room finally, and my husband was on his shit like a pro! Absolutely impressed me!😳😍 He sits the bags down, tells the nurse “we need a yoga ball, and a bath... can we start the bath now, and she tested positive for Strep B”. All of the things I told him to remember because I wouldn’t. I was right... my plan went out the window back at home😂🤷🏼‍♀️ But man was I happy he was on it, made me so happy I fell even harder in love with him😂 Especially once I got into that bath... ohhhh boy was it relaxing and helpful through contractions! RECOMMENDED! You cannot have the epidural before the bath tho. One contraction I had in the bath was so painful I actually threw up, which my husband caught in the garbage can on time👏 Needs a medal I swear 😍 Then I got out of the bath and oh shit did those contractions truly start! It was to the point of breathing thru the contractions and who ever was talking was no longer heard! I was focused on breathing and that was it! The nurse kept pissing me off because she raised the bed so damn high I was almost needing to stand on my tippy toes to lean over it 🙄 I’d lower it and she’d raise it again. Finally I said don’t touch my bed!!!! 🙊 My husband was trying so hard to keep me comfortable , rubbing my back, playing relaxing music for me that I wanted, asking what I needed if he could do anything to help, it was freaking amazing!🥰 But I didn’t even want him touching me and all I wanted was him to stand next to me and talk to me to distract me and hold my water jug up to my mouth so I could drink it. He did it tho🤗 They checked me I was at 7 cm, it was around 10am. My husband called my mom while I was in the bath because I had forgot to update her that it was time😬 And she asked if I needed anything and of course I say “Dutch Bros”, a coffee shop for those of you that don’t have them. She brought it😂 My mom got there and handed it to me, it said congratulations momma on it... and for some reason that hit me hard and I started crying lol. Then the nurse checked me again. I was at 10cm, but one side of my cervix still had a lip in it so she kept her fingers on it during a contraction. She was stretching that side during it, and it hurt soooo bad I was crying. I didn’t realize she had done it the last time she had checked me as well, which is probably why I dilated so fast. I wanted to grab her hand and pull her finger out of me and break them it hurt so bad! 😫 Then I said my IV med isn’t enough, I need the epidural. After that pain I felt there was no way I could handle pushing my daughter out. As the anesthesia person walked in, the nurse said sorry never mind it’s time to push. I was like no no no. And my mom got on one side of me and my husband on the other, the nurse was grabbing random things and sliding tables up to the end of the bed and trash cans... and I was getting freaked out! I wasn’t ready to push I was terrified . The nurse told me once I’m moved up stairs she will no longer be my nurse, and that made me start crying for what ever reason lmao. Then the doctor walked in and told me to push, it wasn’t even a second after he walked in I was pushing 😳😳 The first push I did was like a poop push... yeah nooooo. It’s nothing like pooping ladies... you have to push with every thing you have! The second push the nurse had me curl my chin into my chest and that helped sooo much! That push I pushed so hard I almost past out. Then I went to lay back, to rest and my mom, husband, and the nurse and doctor all started telling me PUUUUUUSH!!!!! Come on she’s right here! One more push!!! My mom said “omg she has so much hair Des” and started crying. I was in so much pain I don’t care about anything but getting her out! So I pushed with everything I could and she was out. Three pushes and my baby girl was born December 4th, at 11:18am, 6lbs, 2oz ; 19inches. She was born on her due date🥰 She’s now 2 months old and beautiful as can be.

And just the other day for V-day💖💖